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Grocery Store Liability in Atlanta After Slipping on a Spill

When you take a trip to the grocery store, you generally expect to come home with bags of meat, tasty vegetables, snacks, and beverages to enjoy for the next few weeks. One thing no one expects to come home with is a serious, potentially life-altering injury. Unfortunately, even a small spill can cause a shopper to slip and fall. This can result in a range of injuries, including hip fractures, brain injuries, spinal injuries, wrist sprains, broken fingers, and much more. In some cases, the complications of these injuries can even lead to death. In th...
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Can I Receive Compensation For A Car Accident I Was Partially At Fault For?

It goes without saying that a DUI is a very serious offense - especially if it involves a collision. But what happens if you were injured as a result crash that you partially caused? Is there any way you might be able to recover compensation through a personal injury claim? It might seem ridiculous for someone to receive compensation for being partially at fault for an accident, but sometimes injured individuals have few options. Faced with medical expenses, missed wages, and other damages, an insurance settlement might seem like your only remaining lifeline. 

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Can I Receive Compensation For A Car Accident I Was Partially At Fault For?

It goes without saying that a DUI is a very serious offense – especially if it involves a collision. But what happens if you were injured as a result crash that you partially caused? Is there any way you might be able to recover compensation through a personal injury claim? It might seem ridiculous for someone to receive compensation for being partially at fault for an accident, but sometimes injured individuals have few options. Faced with medical expenses, missed wages, and other damages, an insurance settlement might seem like your only remaining lifeline. ...
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If Someone Else Drives Your Car and Gets in an Accident Are You Responsible?

By James Ponton | Articles

It is not atypical to find friends and family borrowing each other’s vehicles for one reason or another. While there is nothing inherently wrong with this practice, things can get murky when an accident happens when someone is driving your car. If someone else drives your car and gets in an accident are you responsible for the ensuing damages?

Determining Liability for Car Accidents

To start with, you need to understand how insurance carriers and the police determi...
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Slip and Fall Knee Injury Settlement

By James Ponton | Articles

Employers May Be Liable For Your Slip And Fall

Accidents can happen anytime and anywhere. Whether it's at home or work, slip and fall injuries can occur. In most cases,

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slippery and wet floors contribute s...
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How to Fix a Fender Bender

By James Ponton | Articles

Fixing A Fender Bender

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Getting into an accident is a massive inconvenience even if it is only a fender bender. Minor car accidents like fender benders may have hidden costs which you will only find out when it comes to repairing them.

In this article, I will show how you can fix you...
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How Much Will My Insurance Go up After a Fender Bender?

By James Ponton | Articles

It All Depends On Several Factors

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A fender bender is a minor car accident. Regardless of how minor the accident, if you report it to your insurance company, your premium rates will undoubtedly rise. That is why it is so crucial to have an Atlanta Car Accident Lawyer<...
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3 Car Fender Bender in Atlanta, Who Is at Fault?

By James Ponton | Articles

Chain Reaction

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A multiple car fender bender also known as a ‘chain reaction’ traffic accident occurs when three or more vehicles collide in a series of back-end accidents caused mainly by the first collision.

A chain reaction accident may include one or more drivers act...
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Slip and Fall in a Parking Lot

By James Ponton | Articles

What Next?

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Accidents are inevitable and can occur when you least expect. One of the accidents that happen mostly includes the slip and fall in a parking lot. As a matter of fact, an Atlanta parking lot slip and fall can be fatal to the victim.

If you are the person involved in such ...
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Slip and Fall in Restaurants Lawyer

By James Ponton | Articles

You can slip and fall anywhere and of course, sustain some injuries. This can happen in your washroom, on staircases, in the backyard or restaurant. Speaking of slip and fall in restaurants, you need to understand how this accident occurs in such places.

Restaurants receive many people, ...
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